'Welcome Player1!' The screen read in a eye-burning red, against the machine's black screen. The blank metal machine was set in one of the darkest corner of the arcade, no design nor title beside a hastily scribbled note to the side. It had an odd air to it. The game, the machine itself, as if there was a presence besides yourself and the ones that were usual to surround you. A voice by you, who you recognized as Janus Dolion, spoke up. 'I'm not a fan.' He drawled, voice smooth as dripping honey. And, in a way, sweet as it as well - if the honey had been mixed with vinegar. 'Too much of a speakeasy, as this whole place is. With... less giggle juice, many more children, it's disgusting.' You shook your head. You weren't here to be lectured by... How old was he again, a century? Just over a century old, a voice in your head supplied, presence. 'The Friend.' Janus spoke once again, his voice bringing your attention to the scrawled writing on the note. A title for the game machine, you assume, and Janus seems to share this thought. 'Such a captivating name, I don't find any faults to it.' He muttered with a shake of his head. You look back to the screen, pressing what would start the game. You have never heard of the game before, nor seen it brought up anywhere. Nothing could go wrong knowing that.
The Friend didn't seem too suspicious now, did it?
*choose your actions story*
*began june 6th, 2022*
*chapters will update so long as commenters decided on an action/s*