This story follows the sitcom-like life of Y/N who is on a mission to kill 'the one true god' with Loki while the rest of the avengers and MCYTs try to do other things. For example, Tubbo and Ranboo are planning a bank robbery/heist, Techno and Thor are talking about the renaissance era, Phil and Tony are trying to parent everyone, Foggy and Matt are having a dating competition with Steve and Bucky and Wilbur is selling the good stuff and you're his mail person. Very normal stuff tbh. Oh yeah btw, YOU'RE IN DEBT! I too, do not know what is happening but PLEASE READ THE FIRST CHAPTER FOR AO3 TAGS this is a book with characters from both Marvel and MCYT. The reader is both Asexual and Non-binary, expect no-nonsense from here.