oke semua kubuat book tentang ejen Ali,karna gabut aja sie dan juga...ya dah lama ga bikin book ejen Ali, hampir setengah tahun lah,kata author.
disini banyak yang lagi ulangan,udah libur, penaikan kelas,masuk smp.
jadi maklum aja aut ini ga pinter atau ga handal buat book,jadi disini pake bahasa campuran.
kalo spoiler nanti pertengahan book aja,atau ga pake spolier yya,karna agak lupa dan inget setengah.
Aliya was pregnant with 2 girls, but Gazali keep the two children safe and not cry one bit.
when ali was not born, the two children were born in january, the two children grew into cute and beautiful children,like his mother, of course.
when the two children were 13 years old, they were unique because they had an unseen protector, if the name was certain he would give a name.
So they are both of Japanese descent, without being noticed by Aliya, Gazali, Ejen Lady, Ejen Zain, Ejen Ganz, Ejen Djin and so on.