Warm smiles and kisses
Kojiro smiles that warm, indulgent smile that Kaoru must have seen at least a hundred times this past week. Getting off that plane and seeing that mop of green hair above an obnoxiously loud shirt that was only halfway buttoned was a sweet kind of hurt. And now he was about to leave it felt like his heart was breaking in two.
In-flight entertainment
Some women consider Kojiro their in-flight entertainment. Kaoru isn't handling it well. (part two of 'Warm smiles and kisses')
Don't tell mom
In which Reki calls for help, Kaoru has secret pockets in the sleeves of his kimono and there's improper use of a trash can.
Why did you have to tell mom?
Miya gets in trouble at school and he calls Joe to come get him. But instead of Joe, it's Cherry who walks into the principal's office.
What was it like when you were young, mom?
"Oh my god, Joe!" Reki exclaims suddenly from where he's been looking over Miya's shoulder at the kid's phone. "Did you propose to Cherry?!!"
A picture from the past makes an appearance in the present.