64 parts Complete Everyone loves these two goofballs. Everyone knows these two are best friends. Everyone knows these two can't go a day without each other. These two know each other better then themselves at times.
High school can be a hard thing. But for these two, nothing can get in their way. Nothing whatsoever.
So I decided I didn't like the original book I started for River and Wyatt. I realized they were too boring and not what I wanted to write for them as adults. Yeah... so I'm making them teens! If you never saw the first book made for River and Wyatt, you didn't miss out in anything. There was only three chapters written, and I think I might make one like a bonus chapter for the future or something. So don't worry:)
(Book 1 out of 7, I'm Unwanted)
(Book 2 out of 7, I'm finally Wanted)
(Book 3 out of 7, Perfectly Ourselves)
(Book 4 out of 7, Not so Perfect)
(Book 5 out of 7, Beautiful Crazy)
(Book 6 out of 7, His Sunflower)
Can be read before or after His Sunflower, or at the same time.