Kits POV Dear diary, It's 1914. The war has just been declared. Oh must father have to go. He will be fallen upon deaf ears. The blind eyes. Oh must mother be depressed. Her silent screams ring through my ears. Her weak smile covers my eyes. Oh must the thoughts stay. I want them to go away. But after all, how can you run from what's inside you? I've never really understood the concept of war. We all want to love each other but instead we are shoving a bayonet into each other's lungs penetrating the privilege to live. But that's just life isn't it. Never will I get my expectations up again for all its worth because at the end of the day I'm just a nobody who's name will never go down in history while worthless achievements do. I'm afraid to live and I'm afraid to die what a way to exist eh?Alle Rechte vorbehalten
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