Hi my name Allison heart light I and my father and we are shadow hunters and I love at New York institute. And i meant three shadow hunter there when i arrived there. And here my back story me and my dad and he raise and trained me to be the best shadow hunter that i could be my dad told me about my mother and how beautiful and how lovely and nice and kind. But mother bie when i was vrey young and i never got to know her at all. And i have to hold the family name and never thing with my mother it happen when the circle was around and my dad left the circle when i was born. And i am all grown up now and i great shawdow hunter i think i am. I wear the locket that was past now in my famliy what had a wolf engraved on and my stele is a wolf running all the way to the crystal on my stele that got when i got my frist rune and i love them both so much and i love my farther as well so much. And she move to the New York Institute to start a new life. And bum's into clary fary and it changes her life for the better. And she starts to have feel for Alce lightwood.