Esme wakes up in the box, surrounded by other girls- and one boy? They escape the concrete prison soon after, but not all of them. After being transported to what they're told is a "Sanctuary" Esme has doubts about their saviors intentions, keeping her concerns to herself. She still can't understand other things yet;
Why can't she get that boy out of her head, sometimes literally?
(Aris x OC)
Esme (Ez-may)
-To love, loved
So a fun little Aris love story. This will be following the movie storyline, except for the telepathy via the chip in the lovers heads.
Disclaimer- I don't own any of The Maze Runner or The Scorch Trials characters or plot. All those rights belong to James Dashner. This story is for fun, I do not own anything but Esme and the differences in the story.
Also disclaimer- This story may contain topics and situations the could be sensitive to some readers.
Consider this a 16+ story, topics of abuse, blood, assault, torture, and more could be mentioned.
Read at your own risk, this is your warning, I won't warn you again later.