Throat dry, Soul escaped.
Mind insane, Heart a stone.
Treated like nothing while all she's done is given her best. Love is blind like a bat. Truth is clear like water. This heart of stone use to bleed and weep. It loved one human being so much. Only to be destroyed but the same hands.
He held her heart in his palms.
But one day she chose what was best for her.
Never agreed, just expected.
She lived her days waking up and going places only because she had to, not because she truly wanted to.
Worthless, and Lost.
She never smiled again.
She didn't have a reason, she needed him. Weather or not he kept hurting her.
But she knew what was right.
So she took a deep breathe and never returned.
Never thought 'What if' or 'Would have' .
simply agreed to
Never Look Back.