Good evening, my name is Miran. This is the story of a young ingenious witch who merged the great powers of magic and science to change the nature of life on our planet. I, her vampire assistant, will be giving an exact recall of the events that led up to the prosperous age of eternity... Hello! I've never written a story before. But if you like sci-fi and fantasy this is possibly for you. In this story, I try to mix the worlds of science and magic into one very interesting universe. There are infinite possibilities for the kinds of creatures and situations that exist in this world but I try to give each one a logical background akin to that which is present in our universe in that there is to be history and reason behind every magical entity and action, reasons that tie to the fundamental mechanisms of their universe. Ofc it's not going to be an explanation of this world the whole read, the beginning is heavy in that only to give you a feel for how this world works. But I hope to carry the reader on a meaningful journey of emotion and conception. I integrate philosophical ideas into their reality in a way that creates the opportunity for an ultimate truth and beauty to come to light for all the souls who dwell here. If you decide to read this, thank you so much. I appreciate all feedback ! (Ps. I will be drawing all the cover art)