Ever since primary school, Tajima Tomoken had been experiencing the same reoccurring dream. A dream where he talks for what seems endless hours to a faceless girl. Both share stories and talk about their daily lives, and both seem like they are best friends despite never even having met each other... And not knowing if the other person is even real... Tajima's dream always ends with the faceless girl thanking him for listening and being there for her. This has always stayed on Tajima's mind but he never thought much of it.
Tajima Tomoken had just spent his holidays on his grandparent's farmstead and is now ready to go back to his residence in Tokyo. Tajima notices the unusual night sky before he left the farm. Curiously he asks his grandmother what is happening, to which she replies with an urban legend.
"The Night of a Thousand Dreams" is an unexplainable phenomenon in which the night sky lights up with thousands of stars. Legend says that every star symbolizes another reality where your most profound dreams come true.
Days before the ''Night of a Thousand Dreams'' Tajima dreamt of the faceless girl once again. Although, at that time she bid him farewell in a strange way. To him, it felt like a final goodbye... On the train back to Tokyo, Tajima took a look at the night sky and saw the thousands of stars that lit up. Upon thinking about the strange goodbye message of the faceless girl, Tajima dreamt about seeing her one more time...
However, things start to get even more strange when Tajima woke up and arrived in Tokyo. Only then does he begin to realize where he actually ended up...
In the epic conclusion to the Devil's Deal series, Freya has one final chance to discover the full potential of her own power, and to use it to restore balance in the universe - once and for all. After the destruction caused by Roisin, Ferya and Torix come to terms with their losses and mistakes... And prepare for a final battle that will change everything.