From your favorite 70's-80's slashers (not excluding other memorable horror film monstrosities), to horror game characters, cryptids, and the old classic (gothic) horror icons- take your pick! It's free reign here!
Categories/characters currently available for x readers:
- Michael Myers {Halloween} 1978-2021
- Jason Voorhees {Friday the 13th} 1980-2009
- Freddy Krueger {A Nightmare on Elm street} 1984-1991 (excluding the 2010 remake)
- Billy Loomis (Ghostface) {Scream} 1996-2022
- Harry Warden {My bloody Valentine} 1981-2009
- Charles Lee Ray (Chucky) 1988-2019 (excluding the Series)
- {Saw} 2004-2021 (This gets a little tricky, so we may just keep our focus solely on John Kramer, unless someone else is requested)
- Hannibal Lecter {SOTL} 1991-2007
- Bubba Sawyer (Leatherface) / Drayton Sawyer / Choptop (Bobby) Sawyer / Nubbins Sawyer (will add the non-original characters IF requested) {Texas Chainsaw Massacre} 1974-2022
- Pyramid head / Nurses {Silent Hill} 2006-2012
- Pinhead/Hell's priest {Hellraiser} 1987 I, II, III
- Xenomorph (alien) 1979-2017 & Yautja (predator) 1987-2018
- Demogorgon {Stranger Things} 2016-2022
- {Killer Klowns from outer space} 1988 (any! though mains will consist of these characters: Jumbo, Bibbo, Fatso, Chubby, Rudy, Shorty, Slim, Spikey and JoJo the Klownzilla)
- Pennywise {IT} 1990 - 2017/2019
- Carrie (1976) original only!
- Pumpkinhead (1988-2007)
- Sam {Trick 'r Treat} 2009 (originally 2007)
- Three Finger / One Eye / Saw Tooth
{Wrong turn} 2003-2021 | strictly and ONLY the 2003 film unless I'm feeling generous on adding additional characters! But we all know the rest of the 'wrong turn' franchise was a major flop-
- Norman Bates {Psycho} 1960-1998
Horror-themed games I will accept, which will include any horror character requested:
- Outlast
- Resident Evil
- The Last of Us
- Twisted Metal
Requests for any character/movie/game/franchise that hasn't been mentioned will be accepted!
ချူရှစ်ယွီအဆုံးမဲ့ဂိမ်းထဲမတော်တဆကျရောက်သွားခဲ့သည်။ သူသိလိုက်ရတာက ပင်မဇာတ်ကြောင်းမှာနဂိုဆက်တင်အတိုင်းမသွားရုံတင်သာမက သူလည်းပဲ....မှောင် ရိပ်ခိုလျက်သူ့ကိုထောက်လှမ်းနေသည့်မကောင်းဆိုးဝါးတစ်ကောင်ပြီးတစ်ကောင်ကြုံတွေ့ခဲ့ရသည်။
[ တုံးအအအလှလေးရှို့ x ပိုင်ဆိုင်လိုစိတ်ကြီးသောကုန်း]
This is just a fan translation. All credits to original author.