Cup of Tea With Shahrukh Khan Just a cup of tea with Shahrukh? Yes a cup of tea with Shahrukh but, how? Not seems possible. But nothing is impossible as impossible is IM-POSSIBLE.Heard many a time COFFEE WITH KARAN but TEA WITH SHAHRUKH sounds boring but good enough for me to make it possible.It’s a short and unbelievable – the day I had TEA WITH SHAHRUKH, you may wonder how? I was 14 years when I first visited Mumbai and got lost between the millions of people, just as someone is lost in their dreams, somebody lost in love , somebody lost without any food to eat. But I was lost in the thoughts of meeting my idol and with no food and very little money. I was scared but on other thoughts I realized everybody is safe in India including Ajmal Kasab. Now you would wonder how I got lost in Mumbai. I was travelling to Mumbai with my father in the month of july it was raining heavily outside, on getting down at the crowded Mumbai station I was washed away by the wave of people on the station