I was camping once with my friends we decided that we needed some guy time and a little time away from our wives, we were all sitting down in front of the camp fire and drinking a couple of beers, my wife told me to not drink because I get out of hand but....I one deer couldn't hurt right? so after a three hours or so we were still talking...I needed to go to the bathroom and senses we were in the woods might as well pee behind a tree I thought.... so I got up and grab a flash light then headed off...I wanted to go far from the my friends because well I didn't want to see me doing my business in the first play so I did....I was finally alone and as usual I started to relieve myself, when I was almost done I heard a strange nose from behind me...I thought it was a squirrel or maybe a rabbit... all I thought was that it could be a small animal, once I was done I started to walk back to camp.... once I made it there I saw that none of my friends were sitting around the camp fire....All Rights Reserved