So I suffered severe angst when Stella went M.I.A for some of S10 when she went to promote Girls On Fire. Where was she?? Yeah o.k Boston.. but why was she ghosting her beloved Severide?! And it was even worse when she got back and we had the mega awkward scenes between them... trust me I had to cover my eyes at Stella's desparate attempts to make up with Kelly! There was so much left unsaid! I love writing about what I think they were feeling and filling in the gaps that the writers of #onechicago dont have the airtime to fit in!. Its too long to be a one shot but it kind of is.... ! I used poetic licence with some original dialogue and timelines so forgive me in advance! Hope it's not too many chapters for the same topic but I loved writing it. Hope you enjoy reading it ! Please do comment to let me know your thoughts! x All the characters and a few lines of 'borrowed* dialogue needed to make the story work belongs to the writers of Chicago fire and associated legal ownersAll Rights Reserved