Fued// Steve Harrington x Reader x Billy Hargrove
34 części Opowieść Zakończona BOOK 1 OF 2. Y/n Byers is all sterotypes and breaks all of them at the same time. She is a nerdy, good girl, but at the same time, is one of the most sought after girls at school. Also shes friends with a bunch of kids and her brother, Will Byers. However, her best friend is the King of Hawkins High: Steve Harrington. They are as close as close can be, so when the new kid Billy Hargrove starts flirting with Y/n, Steve gets protective. But soon, the protectiveness turns into a complete feud between the two boys. Slowly, emotions begin to grow between all three of them, confusing Y/n and entrapping her in a love triangle
Hello everybody! This is the first book of 2. The second one is called Fued, Book 2. Thank you for reading this! I'm super excited to write this and I hope you all are doing well. If you like Marvel, be sure to check out my Loki x Reader, I Want What I Deserve. If you like Star Wars, be sure to check out my Kylo Ren x Reader, Reality. I love you with all my person. I do not own Stranger Things or anybody in it, but I do own the OC's in this and the plot line. I will copyright your ass if you try to copy this. Enjoy!