61 parts Complete ‹ Originally published on December 08, 2018. ›
Sunset jumps out in front of a car in a blizzard, hoping to end it all, but it turns out better than she could've thought.
In the middle of a blizzard, Sunset throws herself out in front of a car that stops just in time not to kill her, which leads to her having a Christmas in a... different way than even she would deem normal.
Tell me what you think. I look forward to reading comments.
12/28/18 4:32 AM: I came up with this idea to see if anyone who reads this can find all of the references I made in this story (evidently I made more than I thought)
1/16/2019 3:50 PM: I'm going to add the narcotics tag to it. It shall be needed.
2/5/19 7:16 PM: I added the "sex" tag, just to be safe because of a small scene involving a certain pair of lovers.
3/1/19 10:45 AM: For the blooper/gag scenes, I want you guys in the comments to give me suggestions.