If I could turn back Time ... --- english version
1 part Complete For Gonzalo, sweet Miles is his first love after admitting that he is attracted to boys.
After he confesses his feelings to Miles and also admits to Miles that he returns his love, the two become a couple. They enjoy their time together on a nice date,
without knowing that it will remain her only one.
Miles dies in an attack on the Brooklyn Bridge when it is blown up during the fireworks display during the annual New York city festival and terrorists kill more than 2,000 people.
In his mourning for the death of his beloved,
Gonzalo meets his self from the future and learns from him that he has the ability to travel through time.
As a "Prowler" he can travel back to July 4th, 2024. If he manages to untie the knot in the loop he is now stuck in, he can prevent Miles' death and thus the terrorist attack.
But the future ME warns him, because what sounds so easy is mental torture because HE himself is not allowed to change ANYTHING about what happened and therefore has to live through Miles' death over and over again!
He didn't make it himself, but the key lies in the past.
Inspired by the globally acclaimed German series "DARK" (netflix)