What if Peter Pan and Tinkerbell were siblings? What if Roger Ribbit had a son? What if Eddie Valiant has a daughter? Alice Wendy Valiant grew up with her grandmother, Marie and started acting which, she met John Ribbit, Peter(Pete), Tinkerbell(Trista), and Micheal, by during her time as a actress. Then, years later, Alice came known as a famous Agent spy, scprit writer, dancer, stunt artist, and songwriter. Will Alice see her childhood friend, John or her co-stars Pete, Trista, and Micheal again? Will Alice actually meet her half brother Daniel Valiant? This is a cross over between Who Fragment Roger Rabbit, Chip and Dale: Rescuse Ranger, and Mavel. Also, when I'm doing the backstories, I will call the Studio, the 'Mouse', instead of 'Disney'. Out of respect of the voice actors from Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan, I will make them an ending on, how Disney should of done it. The characters from Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, and Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers belongs to Disney, expect for my versions of the characters or the ones that I created. Please, enjoy.
This is the truth of a story you know all too well. Peter Pan.
But this Neverland is not what you expect. It has dark secrets hiding in every corner.
When Wendy Darling is taken to Neverland, she is in for surprises.
That 'sweet and caring boy' she met at her window. Isn't so nice. And has his secrets too.
This book starts Out kinda bad, but please read in because I promise it gets better.
Sorry for all the spelling and grammar mistakes. I will try and Fix them.
But is this just a dream. Or is it real?
Hello to whoever is reading this. Wendy, Peter and Hook are based on the once upon a time characters (their looks) and in this story Peter Pan is not rumples father, Peter is simply just a boy.
First book you have been warned😂
holly x
The the second book is out! - Finding Neverland