Part of a Team - Criminal Minds Fanfiction
141 parti In corso Fleur Howards was taken on her walk from from school at age 7. Originally from France, she was trafficked across Europe. She was forced into intercourse with older men but also trained to kill.
Before she was saved by the FBI at age 17, she had been forced to... Kill. She was put into forster care after it was discovered that her parents sold her to the traffickers.
However, these people inspired her. She wanted to become an FBI Agent and protect children from ever having to go through what she went through.
Elijah Dean loved and looked up to his father and went on many trips with him. What Elijah didn't know was his father's secret, not until tonight... He was a killer. Elijah was forced to kill his father's latest victim, he shot her in the head at age 10.
His father was quickly hunted down and arrested for his crimes... But still, his mother wasn't pleased with him. He was a disappointment, a disgrace and she punished him severely.
But the agents he met that night? He wanted to be just like them. He wanted to be strong, and he wanted to save people... And be a good person.