Spirit Guide is a story that takes place during Shin Megami Tensei IV's story, before its sequel, Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse. The story is about a hunter named Eikoh who has been through a lot in his life and wanting to end it all, but his cousin, Aiya, stops him from doing that. He meets a former samurai named Navarre, who was escorted in Tokyo from another samurai. Eikoh helps Navarre out, maybe teach the guy some new stuff about demons and battles. These two develop close bonds together throughout their journey around Tokyo, making new friends and new foes.
This story is OC x Canon and will NOT have a good ending at all. Maybe, it depends how the reader views it. Also the OC x Canon ship will take some time to progress throughout the story! That's a little note for you.
WARNING! This story will mention sensitive topics like: abuse (mostly child abuse), grooming, suicide and more that I will be adding as the story goes on! I also don't support these acts and they wont be explicitly shown through art and writing.
Other warnings for this story is: language, death, violence, self harm, alcohol and drug usage! These will be shown in artwork due to them not really being that major like the most sensitive ones. But if any of these trigger you it is best not to read this fanfic! I care about people's safety.
Oh there will also be grammar mistakes. So sorry for that, but I hope you can understand them and enjoy the story anyway!
I owned all the OCs in this story, while the canon characters and game (SMT IV, Navarre, Fujiwara, etc.) belong to ATLUS! I also own the art that's shown in this story too, please don't reupload them in a different site, same with the whole story.
You can read more about my OCs on my Toyhou.se page -> NotsoCreativeGhost.
Started: September 16, 2024
End: ???
Two brilliant engineers, Kwon Jiyong and Lucas, create the advanced Android 0327 Lalisa Manoban. As Lisa prepares to enter a society that forbids robots, her creators become increasingly concerned for her safety. They will stop at nothing to protect her from those who seek to harm her, but as they do, they begin to question Lisa's true purpose.