Chanel and Nigelle had the perfect lives, beautiful, smart, and they both have the perfect boyfriends,or so they thought, one night Nigelle find out that their boyfriends are lying, cheating nobodies. Chanel and Nigelle are broken into pieces and think they can never love again. Then Mindless Behavior steps in the picture and changes everything. Until Prodigy and Ray Ray are keeping a huge secret that could ruin their lives forever, and because of their friendship Nigelle and Chanel help them out but only end up stuck in the mess as well and that means they have to start lying to their boyfriends Princeton and Roc. Chanel and Nigelle have already broken so many rules and codes, trying to help the ones they love, when it only creates more chaos, this is probably the worst situation of their lives, can they get out of it? Will Princeton and Roc ever find out? Or will they fall deeper into the holes they dug themselves into?