Pity the living- slytherin boys
200 Bölüm Tamamlanmış Hikaye YetişkinAlice Jones is now starting her third year at Hogwarts, on their way to the school at some point Alice goes to where the Slytherins always sit so she could say hi to her best friend Theodore Nott when she gets into the compartment, she sees a few familiar faces she didn't want to see again, and one unfamiliar boy.
This book is a multiple year book, it starts at the beginning of the third year and ends at the end of the 7th year.
This is a Slytherin boys fanfic and it will probably be very long.
Here are a few quotes that will probably be in the book to hook you up:
"Hit me! Hit me right now! Punch me in the fucking face- hit me like we used to hit her"
"Vodka is easier to swallow then the fact that she is not coming back"
"I will never let anyone hurt you"
"Some children are simply born with tragedy in their blood"
"I can lose everything, but Merlin, not you."
"Truth is, I didn't expect getting this attached to you."
Smut, alcohol, drugs, sa, death, torture, fighting, sh, panic attacks, ed.
I'll also put a tw before these things happen
This is my first book
English is not my first language if they are any grammar/ spelling mistakes pls let me know!
Dumbledore slander is happily expected <3
If I put any songs in a beginning of a chapter I really recommend listening to the song while reading the chapter!