In which the only female student at Dalton Academy embarks on the long and treacherous adventure called high school...with some help from a couple of friends, of course. Emilia Dalton is a sophomore at Dalton Academy. She's Captain of the Warblers and has her own group of best friends that she knows she can rely on 'forever and ever and ever'. She likes it that way. But as everyone knows, high school is a messy period of time where wrong is right and up is down and everything changes constantly. How will she cope when her life gets intertwined with the messy adventures of McKinley High's New Directions? sᴇᴀsᴏɴ 𝟸 ᴏғ ɢʟᴇᴇ DISCLAIMER: I own nothing except for the characters I created 🥰
11 parts