HPV is a common virus and there are more than 100 strains of this virus that affect human beings. Some strains are considered high risk for women as they can lead to cervical cancer. HPV most commonly affects the genitals as it is a sexually transmitted disease. The virus can affect both men and women. Sometimes, the virus does not produce any HPV symptoms and it may get unnoticed for several years. HPV can cause cervical cancer because some strains produce changes in the cells of the cervix. This condition is known as cervical dysplasia. If it is not addressed on time, it can lead to cervical cancer. HPV is the most common cause of cervical cancer but it does not mean that if a woman has HPV she will suffer from cervical cancer. Women should go for regular Pap tests for early diagnosis and protection. The test helps in the detection of pre-cancerous cells which can be managed easily. If high-risk cells are not found on pap screening then a woman is not at a high risk of cervical cancer. Most women should go for a pap screening at least after every 5 years. Cervical cancer can develop at any age but it occurs commonly in women after 40 years.All Rights Reserved