A boy that accidentally Found the Monkey kings staff and became his succesor and a Girl Who's part of the most Prestigious Family of noble dragons. and there's Donghai who's a Geek at Legends and Tangs Student too. the two of them having deep understanding about the Monkey kings Legends and also Some other mystical stuff that maybe some of them got In the Girls Notes. working in the Noodle shop as a delivery girl can be a Great challenge. since she has to deal with Karen costumers, Entitled bitches, Pervert Assholes and rip off Cringe ass nae-nae's that can't even pay their orders. but things would turn to a kidnapping, Chaos white Dragon Horse Run, and a bit of a Monkie kid and Golden Cicada Shenanigans once Our Beloved Donghai Wu became the New Golden Cicada and the Great Monks Succesor. with her Knowledge and Cicada powers behind her back Tripitaka and Tang has to teach and guide her through her Trainings and maybe even have to watch over her since... she's a Chaos around and has to Go along with Mk and Mei with their crazy Heroic Stuff and that includes Donghai. "give up Red Boy! the power of Monkey man and my Dragon strength is all but too much for you to face!" "wh-what are you Peasants Rambling about?!" "Rambling about how Lame that Attack was since it didn't even Break my Girl Donghai's Sheild!" "My Dragon Horse here is right Pepperoni Boy! give it up!" "SHUT UP YOU FOOLS!" -Golden Cicada Season 1 Zion204 Book Cover Art is mine just visit me here! (Tumblr):https://www.tumblr.com/glitchypotato3000