I find myself drawn to him, irresistibly so. Each day, I observe him, him wearing those black-framed glasses, or in that button-down shirt that clings to him as if it were a second skin. And it's challenging not to be smitten.
Yet, there's a tension that lingers in the air, a silent acknowledgment of the line we dare not cross (or maybe he's the only one who acknowledges it, because I can't find myself to give two fucks about it). Despite his claims, his actions betray him; he is not the gentleman he claims himself to be, and that realization only fuels the forbidden fire that smolders within me.
Kayden Lockwood, there's a truth within you that's clawing its way to the surface, a truth you're trying to suppress. But I see through the facade. I know the desire you harbor, as undeniable as the pulse that thrums in your veins. I am Gareth Carson, and my resolve is ironclad. I will stop at nothing to claim you as my own. You may resist, push me away with all the force of a tempest, but in the end, you'll find yourself drawn to me-irresistibly, inexorably. Because, Kayden, some forces are too potent to be denied.