I remember having my first vision at 20. the whole idea used to seem ridiculous to me before but now it was happening and it was clear as day. I was extremely nervous as I looked ahead of me and thank goodness for the distance between us because no one would ever want to look death in the eye. The angel of death is everything that you would imagine it being it's not just the black robe and scary look that is quite similar to the death card on a tarrot card but it's the feeling you get. on a normal day I would laugh at looking at some freak in a black robe with a double edged sword but not this time. not now and definitely not in this moment. I had a creepy, scary feeling in the pit of my stomach that also extended to my heart, it was that feeling like your heart and stomach are in a tight note and you can't do anything about it. it was that eery feeling that you get when you go through a near death experience, where the spirit within you is furiously begging to jump out of your chest and leave out of freight, that feeling where you briefly experience your life flash before your eyes especially when you are about to have an accident or the accident is about to come to you. and in that moment you see your dreams becoming crushed, your goals and you briefly think about all the things that you will never achieve, the life you will never have and the things that you will never get to say to your loved ones, including your kids that you will never meet. I stood frozen in my position as death observed me. I crouched down in the corner of the dark, desolate room or place. My spirit was panicking within me and not just because of death but because I was frozen in time as I awaited the judgement of God. the action of his angel of death. When death glances at you, you cannot move, talk, think or feel because this is his world now and only your soul is left keeping you long enough awaiting your judgement.