In a world where Dodgeball reigns supreme among other sports due to its Co-Ed nature, Teddy Walker stands as an anomaly. Despite his inexperience, his wits, reaction time, and his eccentric attitude give him an edge over everyone else. Gaining a love for the sport during the summer of his last year of Middle School, he decides to attend The King's Academy, the most prestigious high school for student-athletes. He will meet new faces, new friends, new rivals, all in gaining the title of "King of The Court"!
People often accept what's in front of the them but by doing that, do they really get to see the whole picture? A life of a teenage boy who is a delinquent, nothing more, nothing less. His tie is undone, his shirt untucked and his hair is messy. One look at this guy and people know he is an underachiever. There can't possibly be anymore story to his life, right? Best to just leave him be. Or is it about time that someone pulls him out of his misery?