The world did not end in a bang, or a whisper, but rather one scream at a time. All because of her. She was merciless. She was a symbol of light and darkness tied together with a pretty red ribbon. She had pushed away those she should've held close. While the rest turned her into a weapon and told her to find peace. She was everything and nothing all at once. She was dangerous, and yet, even if it was just for a split second, you could see that she didn't mean any of it.
A story about how a *very* young pro hero, finally, got a chance to live her teenage years. Will she learn how to laugh, cry, and make mistakes without it having to be life-threatening? But most importantly will she learn to live her life the way she was meant to?
Or will her fate have other plans installed...?
(This is an OC Insert into My Hero Academia. Meaning that the creation of this world and the majority of the characters go to Kohei Hirakoshi the original Author of MHA. The timeline will be a mix between the manga and anime, so many spoilers will be written!)
I would also like to give credit to GrizzlyBear_Katsuki for inspiring me with her work called "Bad Habits", as some ideas have come from her piece of work. So if you are interested, you should definitely check out her book!