Run Away (Steve Harrington X Reader)
  • Reads 5,405
  • Votes 141
  • Parts 16
  • Time 2h 41m
  • Reads 5,405
  • Votes 141
  • Parts 16
  • Time 2h 41m
Ongoing, First published Jul 04, 2022
"Steve..." I whimpered. I had never gotten caught by the police before and I didn't want to start now.

"Turn off your flashlight." He ordered. With shaking hands, I did as he told.

"Steve... what do we do, I've never been- I've never been in this situation-" I was rambling while I whispered so he came closer. He kept stepping forward, making me step back until I reached a wall behind me. He put his hand up to my lips and covered them with his palm, quieting me.

I shook my head, my eyebrows furrowing.

"Stop talking... look into my eyes... deep breaths." He whispered.


Dustin's cousin Y/N comes to Hawkins expecting a calm summer ahead. Little does she know that the turmoil ahead will not just be against the Mind Flayer, but against her own heart.

I do not own any of the Stranger Things characters, they were made and written by Netflix. The only character I own is Y/N Y/L/N.
All Rights Reserved
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ā š„šØšÆšž š¢š¬ šš š¬š¦šØš¤šž š¦ššššž š°š¢š­š” š­š”šž šŸš®š¦šž šØšŸ š¬š¢š š”š¬. āž š¢š§ š°š”š¢šœš” šš š š¢š«š„ ššš§š šš šœš”š¢š„š š¦ššš§ššš šž š­šØ š°šØš«š¦ š­š”šžš¢š« š°ššš² š¢š§š­šØ š©šžš­šžš« š›ššš„š„ššš«š'š¬ ššžššš šœšØš„š š”šžššš«š­. š‚šŽšŒšš‹š„š“š„šƒ #šŸ š¢š§ š„š®šœššš¬š¬š¢š§šœš„ššš¢š« šŸŽšŸ”/šŸšŸ“/šŸšŸ ā”ā”ā”ā”ā”ā”ā”ā”ā”ā”ā”ā”ā”ā”ā” IMPORTANT!! this and all my other fanfics have been stolen by a website called , please if you see this on there, know that this fanfic is NOT theirs <3 i only own my work, the rest belongs to the rightful owner of stranger things! lowercase intended COVER MADE BY @vivienne_222
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