"Chasms of Light and Shadow" In a distant Mega Multiverse, the Supreme Almighty-the very creator of existence-has mysteriously vanished. Amidst the cosmic expanse, within one of the far-flung galaxies, two unsuspecting men inadvertently awaken ancient angelic beings. These celestial entities were long sealed within seemingly ordinary ornaments-a ring and a bracelet. As the angelic beings stir from their slumber, a chain of events unfurls, revealing the enigma behind the Supreme Almighty's exile and the corruption that plagues the divine power and pantheons. Roro and Jay, once childhood friends, now stand as the frontline defenders and champions of this vast Multiverse. Their intertwined destinies will lead them on a perilous journey-one that unearths forgotten folklores, confronts gods and demons, and traverses the annals of history. Roro, wielding dominion over the dark attributes, possesses the ability to manipulate portals and create voids that defy the constraints of time and physics. Jay, on the other hand, channels the Light/Holy attributes-an unwavering strength directly bestowed by the absent Supreme Almighty. Join them as they unravel secrets, battle cosmic forces, and navigate a tapestry woven with legends, magic, and ancient truths. "Chasms of Light and Shadow" beckon you into a realm where reality blurs with myth, and where the fate of countless worlds hangs in the balance.