Fire. That's all she saw when she woke Thousands of years ago. Killed by the very humans she was sworn to protect. Fear was always a funny thing. But In her last moments she did something that even archangels and demons could not ignore. She created something. Something that soon would be the start of many supernatural creatures. Werewolf's. But something more interesting happened before she woke. However that is something to be told later. over the many years she spent in hell she learned to crawl her way out. But crawling out of the pit was the least of her worries when Dean Winchester died and ended up there. She knows more than anyone thinks. She was there when Lucifer fell. And she was there when the first seal broke. Will she help stop or aid the apocalypse? Who is she? What is she? Those are questions only she knows. Supernatural- S3E16 and S4-?All Rights Reserved