I woke up this morning just like every other morning and I'm told to believe that only one person made that possible. I pray . I never used to but when things get so bad that you don't know what else to do you find comfort in knowing that there is possibly a person who is always there who knows your pain and can and will make things better but you have to work to make things happen for you. I'm going to tell you about me. Who I am and where I come from, I've been through things but who hasn't ? Putting yourself in my shoes "SHIRTS" is what I plan for you to do for you. During this journey you'll be taking it along with the people who have been here since day one and the people I met along the way. You will be on this journey with me start to finish you'll NEVER be alone while reading this BOOK. I kept Journals and Jotted down a few notes while living this thing we call life. Some of these poems are from my own experiences. Some are things I've experienced with others. People, Places Personalities, Feelings. My Life to be exact. I took it all and created this work of art. I know you all will love it as much as I do. I write I am a writer this is what I do ! Hopefully you'll love these as much as I do.All Rights Reserved