The story of Shelby and Mikenna continues as the girls turn 18, graduate, and find out what love really starts to feel like. Traveling to Harry's rented out cabin in Aspen, Colorado with just the four of them, Harry, Mikenna, Shelby and Niall, they come to realize that real love isn't as easy as all people make it seem. Families are torn apart, feelings are twisted, lies are created, and and things are brought up that should have been left unsaid. Whilst the girls struggle to make their relationships work, the boys have secret problems of their own. They are forced to find and finally decide who they are and how they will decide to live the rest of their lives. Niall loses what he thought was the biggest part of his life. Him and Shelby are forced to live with grief and figure out how they can ever forget. Harry and Mikenna try to salvage their relationship through all the complicated obstacles they are faced with as lines are crossed and they're lives are flipped upside down.