In a world full of conundrum, A fellow named Xioa finds himself out of fascination. However, when he finds a weathered ruler in the world full of lies, he begins to realise that things are not quite as they seem. One day, after a troubling visit around the woods, He faced an unknown lad smiling directly at him. Filled with fear , Xioa tries to counterfeit the lad by facing them. As the time goes on , Xioa finds himself troubled by this unknown person who keeps watching his actions. It feels like a labyrinth with no exit , with his destiny depending on it. It is a plague of unprecedented proportions. Xioa, who is unfortunate enough to become infected by its deadly confusion, is transformed into a mindless carrier with an insane desire to know the horrible truth. A lot of pressure has been passed to him as he tries to unravel the gospel. In the end, will he ever find out the pitiful truth?
5 parts