Jennie, Alyssa, and Emma all have...rather complicated lives. While each of them are best friends with five irresistible lads: Harry, Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Liam, nothing ever stays simple for long. Jennie and Louis have been best friends since their early years, and Jennie has fallen head over heels in love with him, but he has yet to find out. And to top it off, he's dating a girl named Tori who could care less about Louis, but he's too blinded by love to realize. Alyssa and Niall have been dating for six months and counting, but trouble strikes and their relationship gets put at stake. Emma is torn between two amazing boys who both have strong feelings for her. Her boyfriend Liam, a thoughtful boy who has always cared for Emma, and never fails to make her feel special. But then Zayn, the mysterious hero boy who wants to take their strong friendship to the next level. Will each of the girls be torn between what they know is right, or will their decisions set love on fire?