Early Release Shark Week (07/12/2022) (Y/n) doesn't believe in BigFoot and definitely not Merefolk. So your friends bet you to take a skinny dip of the White Cliffs Dover and you take the bait. That's when Sharkmere (Carcharodon draconem), by the name of Alucard, finds you to be a sweet treat in a carnal fashion. ⚠️Warnings: •Mature Sexual Content •Claiming kink •Foul language ©️The Sea Has Fangs (07/12/2022) Ownership of story: Michi Tala ❌️•Do not own any part of Hirano's Hellsing manga or anime. Direct Links in introduction chapter instead of here. Wattpad front page doesn't usually allow direct linking. 🥩🍰•Cover Art: Beef Cake Factory (Artist permission granted) cryptidkhaki on Twitter 🎨•Interior Art: AmikArtest AmikArtest on TwitterAll Rights Reserved