On this rainy and unhappy day, we have come together to accompany one of our own to his final resting place. A sad end for the young Ashley Pierce, aged 17 at the time of his departure, killed by an overdose. In the period of his presence among us, he has accomplished a lot, despite the difficult periods of harassment he has experienced, the mourning of his father's death and his own demons having already made him confront the black knight once in his existence. He managed, in one evening, to bring his friends to the top and helped them achieve their common dream: to become rockstars. Alas, he will never have the chance to live the beautiful experiences that his best friend and companion, Christian, will be able to live. May he rest in peace and live through the music of his band and his idols.
18-year-old Angel was one of the most bright people you'd ever meet. She was smart as hell but also knew how to let loose and party. She always wore bright colours to compliment her personality. Her smile bright, her laugh was contagious. But after her life became nothing but a burden, that smile became the same cold expression. That laugh became an evil one filled with no mercy or remorse.
Slowly and silently she was losing it hatred and vengeance on her mind. In the end, someone had to die and she'd rather be the bitch holding the gun...
|Warning strong scenes and language throughout the story read at your own risk| Copyright|