A story where Genevieve Potter, Harry's twin transfers to Hogwarts from Beauxbatons.
Hogwarts, a magical place filled with hundreds of pupils she hasn't ever met yet. Moving to a new school is always overwhelming.
Follow Genevieve along on her journey where she'll met loads of new people and have plenty of.. flings.
This book will contain mature scenes and inappropriate words, so if you don't like that, then this may not be the best book for you. Or feel free to just skip over that part.
All credits go to J.K Rowling, the producers, and the directors of the Harry Potter movies.
A girl with a mysterious past from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, transfers to Hogwarts in what was supposed to be her third year in attending Beauxbatons. She somehow finds herself seemingly stuck in a strange relationship with three big bad Slytherin's.
Three boys and one girl, an uncommon story about a bully turned lover and two boys that started as friends who also turned lovers. It's a story destined to implode but an interesting scenario to the outside eye.