Hiring someone who has never worked before can be a daunting task. How do you know whether they'll be able to perform their job well? A pre-hire assessment is a tool that helps employers determine whether or not a candidate is qualified for a position. This type of assessment is often done during the interview stage of the hiring process. "Pre-hire assessments" are a great way to evaluate potential employees prior to offering them a job. They provide valuable information about candidates' skills, abilities, personality traits, and values. Pre-hire assessments are typically used by companies who want to hire someone right away, but don't want to take the risk of making a bad decision. These types of assessments are usually done through online questionnaires or interviews. The goal of this type of evaluation is to help employers find out if they should proceed with the offer or move on to another candidate. This type of assessment is most often used by hiring managers looking to fill positions that require specific skillsets. For example, a company may ask job applicants to complete a personality test before being considered for a sales role.All Rights Reserved