Hello...whoever you are...This is just a set of thoughts I have when I'm bored out of my mind or when I just zone out - not a story or anything of the sort. Anyways if you somehow made your way to my profile thanks to my comments in some book, well...HELLO! But like I said, I may not be able to fulfill your expectations for some great book or smthn interesting or- Yeah you get the point. So...thnx for coming here...And again, if you don't like these thoughts, then just- don't say anything, don't do anything, just ignore it. Forget I exist and go on with ur life...Yeah. Guess that's it... Byee! Also I was cringy in the first bunch of chaps so just skip them if y'all don't want any random mOtIvAtIoNaL qUoTes or shit I made up for no particular reason :')