Elizabeth Olsen x Female Reader("Soulmates from the start")
87 Bagian Lengkap DewasaThis story starts with you getting a part in a new marvel movie. You become friends with many of the MCU cast, including Elizabeth Olsen(but will you really be just friends?).
This story involves heartbreaks, friendships, adventures, love, family, and happy endings :)
This is a POV story that is told from the perspective of a young woman. Because of this, the story will use she/her pronouns when describing the main character, however, the story could still work from other perspectives(I am just using she/her pronouns because it is specific to some events in the story). I should also mention the ages of the two main characters in this story(The reader and Elizabeth Olsen). I know that Lizzie is 32 in real life but for this story, she is 24 at the beginning of the story and The reader is 17(almost 18).
UPDATE-This story is now complete but book 2 is out will have many more chapters before it is done