27 parts Complete (Based on the Korean TV Drama Series Queen Seon Deok which aired on GMA TV last 2010. It tells of the ill-fated romance between the Queen of Silla and her closest vassal, Lord Bidam.)
"Bidam, are you in love with me?" the Queen asked. The question caught him off guard and he did not know how to reply.
"I asked you a question, so please answer," she said.
"Pardon my insolence, Your Majesty, but yes, I admit that I am," he answered.
"What about Silla? Do you love Silla?" she asked. He hesitated.
"I understand your devotion to me, but you must realize that should there be any marital ties between us, it wouldn't be to save Yushin's life nor would it be because of undying devotion. It would only be
because I need you to remain by my side," the Queen said. "Even if you love me and stake your all for my sake, I, on the other hand, have already given my all to Silla. After having done so, how can I now love another?" she said.