Jane and Peter were previously known as the infamous crime-fighting duo of Queens, the friendly neighbourhood heroes. They waited for each other after school to begin their daily patrol around the streets, eagerly looking out for justice to be served to impress their shared mentor: Tony Stark. Together they fought Vulture, Thanos, and even Captain America, but what kept them together was how they fought for each other, they fought to keep their love and their hope. It was all until they no longer had the strength. After the death of their beloved 'Mr Stark', Jane fell into a black hole of never-ending grief and lacked the will to pursue anything, this ended up pushing Peter away, causing their inevitable separation. Peter fell in love again, with a girl named MJ, and Jane now lives with her new guardian, Happy, and he tries his best to fill the hole Mr Stark left in her, although it's difficult.
Jane and Peter find a way to build back their bridges and although Jane still has lingering feelings for him they find ways to work around it. Both the vigilantes' biggest secrets are revealed and end up breaking the very fragments of the multiverse, coming into contact with Spideys from other universes and having to help them with their battles. As the story goes, they have their existences wiped from their universe, leaving them both strangers to others, but most importantly: to each other. However, as fated soulmates, their lives find ways to intertwine yet again, proving that their destinies are none other than to be with each other.
Follow their journey of rediscovering their love, their adventurous heists and their emotional rollercoaster. Experience their highs and their lows with them, their warm romantic adventures and sorrow as they witness the ones closest to them die. This is the story of Jane Hardy and Peter Parker.