(THE COVER PICTURE ISN'T MINE, I ONLY PUT THE TEXT ON IT! THE COVER PICTURE BELONGS TO XUBAIC ON PINTEREST, THEY DO AWESOME WORK!! <3) Synopsis : Because of her social anxiety, a lot of Komi's time is spent writing down what she can't say verbally and so when she discovered poetry it was a solace that she fell truly in love with. Since Tadano has entered her life she has had more to write about than ever before however Tadano and her other friends are unaware of this passion of hers. She is afraid that they will think she is strange for writing poetry as a hobby but she would soon find out that she was vastly mistaken. Notes : My first Komi Can't Communicate fic, please be nice. This is not a oneshot like my other fics and I hope you guys like this longer work. This is in third person. That's all, enjoy reading! <3All Rights Reserved