"No," he emphasized. "I'm not telling you."
"Why not?" he said, with a little pout.
Changmin screamed a little inside his head and took a glance around the coffee shop, trying to think of a diversion. "Because he's here," he hissed, and Chanhee's eyes widened as he craned his neck.
"Wait, seriously? Who is it? C'mon, just tell me."
"Uh...," Changmin said "That guy over there," he whispered finally, jerking his chin toward the dark-haired guy three tables over.
Chanhee looked over his shoulder at the guy and got that determined glint in his eye that Changmin recognized, just about three seconds too late. Chanhee was gonna do something that he thought was heroic but was actually dumb.
"Chanhee!" he hissed, grabbing for his backpack and nearly knocking over their coffee cups in his haste to follow him. "Oh, holy shit."
A cute cafeAU one shot!