The first thing that came to his mind was a bright light, then darkness. Deep, empty voide that he'd completely forgotten about until this moment. Then the bugs. God, the hideous bugs, and the child. That poor child, lost and probably in horrible pain as this virus ate him alive. But, if this was real life, what was that nightmare about? Why would Mani say that this wasn't real, if this was? Or was that about the dream itself? He guessed that he'd talk about it later, but for now, he just had to worry about this bite.
Between 2004 and 2008 I wrote a series of "Tips for Writers" for Nocturnal Ooze magazine vaguely about what would happen in real life if you did the things they do in movies but mostly about the gross out.
I've always loved them and so have taken them out of mothballs for a new audience here on wattpad. They're all here except for #13 which seems to have vanished. I've also left them mostly intact except for a few very dated references that have been updated.
I own the rights to the articles and Queen Mum of the Ooze, Kay Patterson has allowed me to keep the name "Gore Monger" (which she owns) provided I write:
The Gore Monger appears courtesy of Nocturnal Ooze.
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