20 parts Ongoing There were no words in any language that could describe the near savage yearning they both felt for one another.
Curled up on thick, fur rugs, laying by a dying fire as the blizzard howled outside.
The demon prince ran his thumb across the other man's plump, rosy lips. An unstolen kiss hid in the corner of his smile.
"Such a wonderful temptation," He growled.
"I tempt you?" Gabriel whispered, sweetly.
"My love, you intoxicate my reason. I have never wanted so deeply."
"Then have me."
19 year old Gabriel Harden, has gone through half of his life tormented over the memories he's lost. Alone in a big, quiet house, he tries his best to keep some level of normality. But it all takes a rather strange turn one fateful day. As if destiny was finally ready to reveal its smiling face to him in the most peculiar way.
He discovers a mysterious and beautiful man with horns lying beneath a tree, unconscious and fatally wounded. As they become more and more curious, attached and comfortable to one another, Gabriel begins to remember who he once was.
The importance this stranger once held to him.
And that their fates were entwined much deeper than either of them expected.
(All rights reserved. Be kind and enjoy.)