The story revolves around Kazuraba Yuuya, the Overlord of Chaos and also the new Kamen Rider Gaim. Yuuya arrives on Earth in another dimension as an exchange student at the request of his parents to investigate the Helheim Forest invading that dimension. On his journey to investigate that mystery, Yuuya befriended several allies and gave them the power of Kamen Rider to fight. Together, will Yuuya and his teammates be able to uncover the mystery of the forest and overcome its challenges? Momozono Love is a second-year student at Public Yotsuba Junior High School. One day, Love goes to see the concert of a popular dance unit called Trinity and she is impressed!! Seeing Miyuki, the leader of Trinity, kick starts Love's dream to dance. However, because of the sudden appearance of a Nakewameke, the concert becomes a disaster!! Labyrinth intends to overthrow the town and control the whole world but doesn't that seem like a far-reaching conspiracy...!? Love yearns to protect the people and see Trinity perform live once again. As a Linkrun is motivated by the strong feelings of Love, it turns her mobile phone into a transformation device turning her into a legendary warrior - Pretty Cure!! Along with Tarte and Chiffon, fairies from the Sweets Kingdom, Aono Miki and Yamabuki Inori, they use their power of love, hope, and prayer to defeat Labyrinth's evil plans.